2015年10月10日 星期六



相關分享 ---
呂沐芢x 焦聖偉「眼蟲計畫—大地魂」:他們允許zoyo在作品上作畫



展覽時間 2015-10/10 sat.-11/08 sun

「眼蟲計畫-大地魂」-眼蟲計畫個展 藝術家 | 呂沐芢 x 焦聖偉

-母親啊 請妳降臨愛的力量 讓我們更無謂的面對這一切

眼蟲計畫在2014年開始創作了全新的系列「大地魂」,主要是以兩人共同創作的方式詮釋對於自然大地的想像,既然稱為「魂」,在作品中我們不得不面對已逝不再的幽魂,與過往大地美好的幻影,或者是自然消蝕當下的衝突,我們認為兩人即興的創作方式,除了創作的身體感與自然相近,畫面的衍生與消失也能反映大地的狀態,這個主題可以充分呈現眼蟲計畫的特殊樣貌。 這次展覽分做四個類型的創作。

1. 畫布與壓克力顏料的繪畫

2. 玻璃與壓克力顏料的繪畫

3. 雕塑

4. 現場創作


Euglena Program of Art - L'eprit de la Terre , Solo exhibition by Euglena Program of Art , presented by Lu Mu-Jen and Chiao Sheng-Wei

—Dear mom, please casting the power of love on to us so we could face these fearlessly.

“Euglena Program of Art(EPA)” has started a new series of creations, named “L'eprit de la Terre”, from 2014. We collaborated to interpret our imaginations about nature and mother earth. Since we use the French word, l'eprit in the title to represent long-gone past, lost beautiful landscapes, or the conflict derived from natural erosion. Our impromptu creation style could endear senses to nature. The composition of a drawing, which relates it to emergence or disappearance of key frames, could reflect the state of mother earth. We believe that the "EPA" collaborations mean to reveal our unique aspect of and our thoughts on the subject.

About“Euglena Program of Art”

This program involved two extinguished artists, Lu, Mu-Jen and Chiao, Sheng-Wei. From 2011, we have enjoyed the brand new experience of co-creation while keeping their respectful pursue to the limit of art. Thus, we formed “Euglena Program of Art.” Euglena is a uni cellular creature, the only species which contains the physiological characteristics of both plants and animals on Earth. Some regard it the prototype and the very first type of life form. It could derive various improbable life forms. “Euglena Program of Art” seizes the variety and imaginations about lives. Also, the shape of euglena resembles Taiwan and leads to the vitality of our collaborations.

The main style of creating art work in this program is rather impromptu. Co-creation without drafts and discussions in advance helps maintain the free and open-minded attitudes, mutual trust and appreciations of each other’s created images. The interference is reduced to the least degree. We consider creation itself a language with great derivative possibilities. The process of co-creations is like conversing with each other by the means of images. It could be like forming stories or poems with collage of words, dealing with the relationship of interdependent system between nature and lives. Therefore, images would emerge, wither and disappear like plants or creatures in mother nature. Familiar with those images or not, the artists keep their sensitivity and constantly observe the changes, converse with each other and interact with the work in a pleasant atmosphere.

眼蟲計畫部落格 : http://euglena-art.blogspot.tw/
12:00-20:00 Wed.-Fri.
14:00-20:00 Sat.-Sun.
公休 Mon, 預約制 Tue

絕對空間 台南市中西區民生路一段205巷11號

贊助單位 : 臺南市政府文化局 國藝會

